Step 4

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The Jesus Way of Love || Robert Macs I Love You

List of Steps

4. Admitted to God, myself and another, of how I don’t feel worthy to be Loved.

We live in a pretty rough world. People tell us they we are flawed all day long. Starts at home. Starts at school. Messages are written in our head over and over. How we didn’t quite measure up. Happens at work. Happens in our marriage. Happens in our family. Didn’t keep the rules for the family. Didn’t keep the rules for school. Something went wrong. They don’t like the way you look. They don’t like the way you act. On and on it goes. One million reasons not to love yourself. People want to take credit for your work. People want to take over your money. Because they say they are worthy. It’s often a negative world. Then you hear that God created you. To become his temple filled with his love. It’s contrary to everything that you’ve learned. Then you have to decide love is possible. I am created to overcome darkness. I am created to overcome hate. I am created to become love.